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Funded places

This form is for people who feel they would benefit from joining the 5-week meditation course but are financially unable to pay for themselves. You do not need to share your reasons for this, unless you wish to.


Request Form

Peace of Mind Meditation_Sun Element_Moo

Please fill out the following form if you would like to be considered for a funded place

Which course would you like a funded place on?
If studio spaces are full, would you be happy to take part in the Zoom meditation course instead?
If places are full for the date requested, would you like to be considered for the next course?

**Please note, funded spaces are limited but every effort is made to accommodate people’s requests.

They are not limited to one per person, so please don’t worry if you have previously had a funded place.

The spaces are fully paid for and are confidential.

Thanks for submitting!

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